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Ice-Fang - Fantasy Novel By Becki

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These are just a few of my pictures that I've been able to get scanned.
I'd like to say thanks to my friends laura, Emma and Leanne for trying to scan my pictures. But eventualy Charl did it, so thanks for all your help you four!

Britewing Goldfire
A force summoned forth from eternity to protect Earth and its people by Ra the Sun God. She has the powers of a phoenix, the strength of a dragon and the intelligence of a gryphon.
Clicking on this picture will take you beck to the home page.

Earth Spirit
A guardian elemental spirit, called forth to protect the power of the Earth

Eternity's Phoenix
Also known as the phoenix of fate. This bird watches over the end of time to guide lost souls

Eternal Fire Guardian
An eternal spirit that lives beneath ground. It rarley comes above ground at all.

Droghadal, The Guardian Of The Dead
This beast guards the lost souls of the fallen. It never attacks the living without a reason

Phoenix And Dragon
A phoenix and dragon fly together untill the end of eternity. The dagon is the dragon of the seven heavens and the phoenix is the phoenix of fate. They are Britewing Goldfire's fellow guardians

Ice Drake
A icey drake rises up in front of its mountain home.
I never finished this as I thought I would ruin it.

Thanks for looking at my art! Sign my guestbook and tell me what you think!